Interactive Map Details Destruction of Numerous US Food Manufacturing Plants, Grocery Stores, etc. — Compares US Incidents to Global Trends

With this ongoing problem in our food supply, a concerned citizen created an interactive map that will let you click on (or hover over) an icon and it will provide all of the details of what happened at that location, including a link to the article.

I have been doing extensive research regarding what is going on with the food supply. I have created an interactive map that will let you click on (or hover over) an icon and it will provide all of the details to what happened at that location, including a link to the article. (Please see attached example)

If I had any doubts about this being on purpose, that is completely gone at this point. It’s almost terrifying seeing what is going on and the majority of people have no idea. Every day something else happens to add to this list. Things are happening so quickly now, that it is mind boggling. Big Tech is covering most of these up or burying them so far down the feed that most people never see them. I have investigative skills that I have used my entire career so I know how to get around all of that or I would never have found what I have.

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