Hopefully, by now, you’ve had a chance to review the first two segments of my report on the assassination attempt against President Trump: Who Ordered the Hit? and J13: The Protection Team.

Did you know that the Secret Service was told to cover Jill Biden’s tiny event in Pittsburgh, being held at the same time as President Trump’s rally, which she announced at the last minute, and abandon Trump’s rally? Who made that call?
Figure that out, and I think we have our answer as to who set the whole thing up. The swamp obviously wanted to take care of President Trump before the Republican convention. ..

In October of 2020, President Trump held a rally at the Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport – which can be easily secured. Who made the decision to move this year’s rally 7 miles up the road to the Butler Farm Show Grounds, where a perfect kill zone on the typical stage & podium location could be had?
This is the place where President Trump held his rally. This is a map of the Butler sight. Notice all the buildings surrounding the podium along with the water tower. ANY ONE of these structures COULD have housed a shooter. Including within the buildings through an open window! Ask yourself why they sent a young kid up to the most obvious spot on the AGR building for all the world to see. LOOK HERE. NOT THERE….

Jill Biden only spoke for 5 minutes at her event at 5pm. I don’t know when it was planned, but it wasn’t announced until July 10th and it was obviously timed to coincide with Trump’s speech so she could take all the Secret Service people away and he would be left defenseless. It’s obvious now what they did…

There was absolutely NO coordination between the Secret Service, Federal law enforcement and local law enforcement. That appears to be on purpose.
RON JOHNSON: The Secret Service did not attend the 9am meeting on July 13th with local law enforcement (swat and snipers) to secure the site. They weren’t even on the same security channel. They could only communicate through 3rd parties.
Local law enforcement were just tasked with securing the perimeter. They were told to cover that AGR building and not really told where to set up so they set up on the 2nd floor at 10:30AM in the morning. They noticed Crooks at 5:10PM – took a picture of him at 5:14PM – an hour before Trump was shot – they weren’t in communication with local patrol officers or the Secret Service. They took photos of Crooks at 5:14PM – Trump was shot at 6:11PM. THERE WAS NO PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT.
We’re going to issue a preliminary report to get more eyewitness testimony. We are building a detailed timeline. My experts question what the FBI (and Fox News) is telling us about a single shooter. People saw things to dispute that conclusion and they are often pressured to change their truth over time…

To cement my view that the kid was MK ULTRA and a patsy – he appeared in a BlackRock TV ad last year. That’s why I think he probably thought he was making a movie. Instead, they planned to turn him into Lee Harvey Oswald….

LOOMER: The CEO of the company that owns the AGR building confirmed that law enforcement had been on site at the building BEFORE the shooting took place. Surely if that was the case, law enforcement wouldn’t have allowed a ladder to be propped up giving someone roof access. Several rally goers said they told police about the shooter who climbed a ladder on to the roof with a rifle. And they said police did nothing to stop the shooter before he opened fire on President Donald Trump.
Another eye witness says that he told law officers there was a man on the roof climbing between multiple rooftops and they did absolutely nothing to stop him until it was too late!
“I saw a guy on top of one of the buildings, go in between one building to the next, and went and told the officer that he was up there.”…

One week before the shooting, Sidney Blumenthal wrote a “make believe” speech from Joe Biden announcing President Trump had been “eliminated.”
I believe that they staged this entire event so that all the world would be forced to watch President Trump’s head explode on TV. All the media were there – even though the Secret Service were not. The fake news had all their best cameras there! NO COINCIDENCES….

I also think they intended to replace Trump with Haley at the RNC. So does Loomer.
LOOMER: “News that Nikki Haley was invited to speak at the RNC broke on July 13th at 5:42 pm. President Trump was shot at 6:11 pm on July 13th. Hmm. Connect the dots.”…,

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