Jab math for children: Vaccinate almost 38,000 kids (with hundreds of serious side effects), stop one Covid hospitalization

You read that right. 38,000 to 1, per a new British study. At best. Not counting side effects. Yet the Centers for Disease Control is STILL pushing these on kids.

To stop one severe Covid case in children aged 5-15, about 38,000 kids would need to be dosed with mRNA Covid jabs, British researchers have found.

The report should be the final death knell for efforts to give young people mRNA shots, which the United States still has not stopped. Ignoring any other side effects, vaccine-caused myocarditis in kids and teens alone outweighs any potential benefit.

For people aged 16-74, the results were hardly better. The jabs were only about 30 percent effective against hospitalization or death (not infection). And about 15,000 adults would have needed to be “fully vaccinated” to avoid one “severe case.”

The findings come from a huge study of Covid hospitalizations and deaths in Britain in summer 2022. The Lancet, a top medical journal, published the study last month.

The researchers, who are pro-jab, reported their findings in an unusual way, probably to try to hide how ineffective the shots were in people under 75. But upon close inspection, the paper reveals the truth.

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