Jesse Burger

What is Freedom, is it important, is it worth fighting for?

These are questions that many may answer the same way, Freedom is doing what I want, it’s important, it’s worth fighting for. But similar to many things in our society, it’s often little more than lip service and the meaning behind the sentiment has been long forgotten.

So what is Freedom? It is the ability of a people to not be confined to a pre-determined life controlled by men without hope for upward mobility.

Is it important? This depends on perspective. If all that matters is physical and emotional comfort and safety, and each persons self absorbed world view fulfilled, then NO, Freedom is not important to these people. However, if the ability to control your destiny, to move up the economic ladder, to be all you can be and enjoy the fruits of your labor is important, then Freedom should be at the top of the priority list.

Is it worth fighting for? While most Americans will boldly proclaim, YES!, it is a sad truth that this is where the fight ends, with words only. Maybe some don’t understand what it means to fight for Freedom, maybe some are so self obsessed they haven’t truly thought about it, but it should be known, Freedom isn’t Free!

Digging Deeper:

Freedom is our ability to defend our selves, our families and our loved ones. It’s the ability to speak freely about what we believe, it’s the ability to worship God in the manner we think best. It is also a license to be lazy, enjoying the freedom that was paid for by better men without having the intestinal fortitude to contribute to its continuity.

Growing up overseas I was privileged with seeing how non-Americans view Freedom. It’s a concept that is near impossible to explain. It would be like a woman explaining child birth to a man, or a man explaining what testosterone feels like to a woman. There are some things that when not experienced personally can’t be conveyed to another. In America we live in a world where you can say what you want, pursue your own personal satisfaction, and not fear death the way the rest of the world does.

Travel to Europe, the Middle East, Asia, South America, and see how foreign these concepts are. Read about our Founding Fathers and WHY they did what they did and said what they said. Understand that this country, the United States of America, stands uniquely alone, against the backdrop of the global stage, as the last remaining place where Freedom exists. And understand that even now, living in this country, what you deem to be freedom is far from what the Founding Fathers enjoyed when this country was born.

Is Freedom important? This is an individual question that we each must ask ourselves. And frankly, I believe most Americans, when truly confronted would say “No, I don’t want freedom”. Why? Because Freedom comes with inherent risk! It comes without the ability to have complete control over people, and people can be unpredictable. We create laws to ease this unpredictability and create “normalcy” so that we feel better but in doing so are giving up our God given rights to a third party (Government) to wield on our behalf.

However, let me tell you, having lived in places that are not free, having a deep understanding from real experience and not reading from a book, Freedom is of utmost importance. Yes, there is risk, but the greater risk is loosing your Freedom, having handed it over to a Government that will wield your power recklessly and use it to subjugate you. You need look no further than to Canada to see what happens when you are not free. Speech is now compelled, the Government can dictate what you say, when you say it, and how you say it, lest you face “re-education”.

Embrace the uncertainty that is inherent with freedom. Do it joyfully! Do it with gratefulness! Nothing is sweeter than Freedom and while tyranny has an appeal to the gluttons that only care for self indulgence, relinquishing your freedom will lead to momentary happiness followed by lasting calamity.

So is Freedom worth fighting for? I believe the answer is YES! But what does that look like? Is this a call to arms like our Fore Fathers? Does it mean the shock and awe campaign in Iraq with lots things that go boom?

Fighting for Freedom, like real war, is often less glamorous than made out in Hollywood. Fighting for Freedom starts with the individual understanding that if they don’t ACTIVELY participate in maintaining their freedom it will be stripped away. It means understanding that there is an obligation to be involved in your local community, in your church, parish, or synagogue.

Yes there are moments where taking up arms is necessary. Anyone that disagrees is either willfully ignorant of history or has nefarious intent. However, the main fight for freedom comes everyday in ones life where there is a choice to be made. Will you give your money to companies and organizations that despise your autonomy and freedom? Will you send your children to schools that teach blatant racism and confuse them on things as basic as human biology claiming “academic enlightenment”? Will you sit quietly in your home while anti-freedom, anti-American rhetoric is spewed public in fear of being ostracized?

The fight for Freedom is an everyday choice. If taking up arms becomes necessary, and it very well may, it is the result of fearful men that failed to take a stand when the opportunity was available. The War against America is hitting a new peak, but there is still time to reverse course, get back to our roots, and become engaged, understanding that every citizen has an obligation to fight for their and their neighbors freedom.

Everyone has a role to play, if you say “There’s nothing I can do”, I bet my bottom dollar you haven’t thought about it long enough (dare I say at all). Young or Old, athlete or bookworm, strong and healthy or sick and weak, each person has divinely provided talents and gifts that can be used for self serving purposes or for a higher calling.

It is my sincere hope that each American citizen carefully evaluate their position and determine what they can do daily to defend Freedom and act upon it. There is no where else to go, there is no one coming to save us, we must act accordingly and participate in the process. Veterans, Service Members, Police / First Responders may be the tip of the spear, but we are all united as Free citizens of this great Nation.

Phone: 847-504-6767

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