Joe Gervais

My fight for freedom began with the theft of the 2020 election and entered high gear on March 29, 2021, when my wife watched her brother take his last breath in a New York hospital and I watched my mom take her last breath hours later in a hospital in California. As I started digging into the truth on Covid, I would come to find out that war was being waged on the American people, and anyone that didn’t stay with the official narrative was going to be shadow banned, cancelled or worse. Both my mom and brother-in-law were murdered through the administration of the covid-19 hospital protocol. 

As a former military officer, I took an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. We can see that our constitution is being held together by fragile threads, and one more stolen election and we can say goodbye to the republic. With three grandchildren and three great grandchildren, I need to do my part to save this country. 

Having served seven years as a missionary, helping get God’s word into hundreds of languages around the world, I was involved in many spiritual battles, and always felt safe in the middle of God’s will, even if it meant going into a village in the middle of an active conflict. Right before the Covid lockdowns, God gave me the book Pacific Saints to publish, and supernaturally I went from initial download of the book to printed books in hand in ten weeks. That book has served as inspiration to my friends in the Pacific who continue that battle without me by their side. God now has me fighting the same spiritual battles here in Vermont, and I enter them without fear. As long as I stay in God’s will, there is no reason for fear.

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