Jonathan Broadbent

Jonathan Broadbent walked away from Wall Street and turned whistle-blower, exposing insider deals and far-Left influence in the world of Finance. ERISA Subject Matter Expert, ESG/CBDC counter-warrior; public speaker; Founder of UnWoke Investing – Defund the “woke”; championing 1st Amendment Rights (via Citizens for Free Speech); 2nd Amendment (as President of the Beachwood Gun Club); Education (as Chair and Territory Lead of Protect Ohio Children).

After seeing first-hand the devastating impact of conflicts inherent in ERISA-governed Plans, Jonathan formed and in order to highlight and eliminate conflicts of interest and self-dealing.  These were later rebranded as, which has impacted countless lives in the U.S. in the fight for proper Prudent Care of workplace retirement plans.  This company is a 100% wholly owned, private company with no affiliations or corporate self-dealing.  As of March 2022, Plan Partners has experienced 17 months of heightened “examination” by Regulators (Jonathan has published a series of interviews on “Weaponized Regulators” on Rumble and other platforms and fully intends to move the company away from regulatory oversight, giving power/oversight instead to We The People).  Plan Partners was briefly closed by Regulators at the conclusion of 2022 (ostensibly for over-payment of dues).  Jonathan fought it back into operation at great expense.  Neither Jonathan nor Plan Partners is suspected of any wrong-doing.  Anyone who suggests that three-letter agencies have not been weaponized against We The People should watch such stories closely.

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