Journalists believe US intel agencies will run some sort of cyber 9/11-style event around 2024 election…

January 2, 2024

The burning question now is: why are intelligence agencies conducting these simulations if not to election-meddle on an even broader scale? And also, who’s bankrolling this research? Probably some left-wing radical group disguised as “election integrity.”
Also, it’s fair to note that this isn’t just a theory being kicked around by a few random people. Even a former CIA analyst believes the US intelligence agencies are gearing up for big involvement in 2024. It seems logical from their standpoint—allowing President Trump back into office is something they’re determined to avoid at all costs. It’s a do-or-die situation for them, and nothing is off the table.

A Georgetown University professor who spent 12 years as a CIA intelligence analyst is warning that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts and the overall politicization of the intelligence community have become a “significant” problem and that he is confident those agencies will attempt to interfere with the 2024 election similar to their efforts in 2020.
“My guess is that the the proverbial deep state within the intelligence community will reemerge because presumably a Republican candidate will again be seen as a threat to the internal policies that many intelligence people like,” Dr. John Gentry, author of the new book, “Neutering the CIA: Why US Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences,” told Fox News Digital.
Within days of the bombshell New York Post story that detailed the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop in the lead-up to the 2020 election, 51 former intelligence officials signed onto a letter in an attempt to discredit the laptop, saying it “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”
Gentry told Fox News Digital that downplaying the Hunter Biden laptop was “clearly political” and that a highly placed source told him “in no uncertain terms” that it was done “explicitly” with the “intent to help the Biden campaign.”

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