Kachelman: Democrat Reaction to Historic LA Fires Is Just as Saul Alinsky Ordered

General Mike Flynn, “Sadly and tragically, we have now had catastrophic disasters in HI, NC, & CA. All 3 states are led by Democrat Governors who have diverted critical funding from Essential Lifeline Mitigation measures; didn’t adequately warn their residents in NC; and along with Joe Biden’s pathetic FEMA responses, failed to respond in mass… they never hold themselves accountable for their malice that causes the destruction of so many lives of our fellow Americans and all their life’s treasures. ”The unspoken ideology

The unspoken fact is the Democrat Party has surrendered to the Engles/Marx “dialectic.” You will remember from Ninth Grade civics the theory that societal perfection comes only as the “old” is replaced with the “new.” There is the “thesis” (old) the “antithesis” (chaos that disrupts the old) and the “synthesis” (the resulting new and supreme order). According to the Marxist DEMS, chaos must be initiated, encouraged and supported so the old is violently removed. Then from the ashes of anti-social and uncivil destructive horrors, a “new” supreme order arises.

“Community organizer” (euphemistically one occupying a Socialist Marxist position seeking to bring chaos to the USA) Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, put it this way (page 89): “In the arena of action, a threat or crisis becomes almost a precondition to communication.”

The DEMS action of taking advantage of any crisis whether real or manufactured is used by those waging war in “antithesis.” When used in this way, it is no longer a tactic of protest but a tactic of ideological subversion used to bring about totalitarian government control (Think of BLM, the hysteria of C-19, the J6 persecuted, the endless witch hunts of the DEMS against President Trump, etc).
The lead is formed along the lines of a crisis subject and then plays that crisis to force the need for control. If the crisis is allowed to continue (consider the unending attacks on President Trump or the never-ending COVID hysteria) people will cry out to the government for relief. It is assumed the government has the answer to the crisis. But the result of the Nanny State’s actions leads to property destruction, and even loss of life and limb.
The crisis response is designed to manipulate the people into accepting the lie that the Federal Governing Nanny State provides better than the individual. This is the “collective” rather than the individual!

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