Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer for its misleading claims and censorship. Koback says the lawsuit “Is part of a multi-state effort, in which more suits may follow, depending on Pfizer’s reaction.”
Maybe now, we know why Melissa McAtee has been so mum. McAtee worked in the quality control department at the vaccine plant in McPherson, Kansas, overseeing the production line as a product inspector. Pfizer fired her after her October appearance on Project Veritas.
Prior to her dismissal, she told Nicholas Veniamin that that she collected over 150 images from Pfizer’s database that she says “Would disturb anybody, even the coldest Atheist would probably be disturbed. I’m not withholding things for some power move or anything…I’m just trying to make sure that these documents are…legit, that they’re authentic, that they say what I believe they say…

She continued, “It’s alarming to me that they were planning for about, I think about 22,000 deaths in a couple of weeks’ time from this vaxxine. And it says that they projected that in nursing homes – and it blows my mind and they are literally working with people that are called ‘ReCode’ and it’s called ReCode Therapeutic Medicine. But they want to tell you ‘It doesn’t touch your DNA.’
“In some of these documents, it says that ‘This mRNA enables permanent DNA editing.’ It says that!…

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