Kate, and praying for the souls of the “vaccinated’

I respect the desire to not “get political” when someone is dying, and to focus only on what you believe is necessary for their recovery. But as I understand it, a full recovery includes both body and soul. For example, if a drug addict was dying from an overdose, you would hope for not only their body to regain health, but also for their mind to be cleansed of the destructive thoughts that led to the addiction in the first place. If only their body recovers, but not their mind, then odds are they will keep putting their lives in jeopardy — and others as well.

I see the sad plight of the “vaccinated” in the same way. These people let themselves be duped into taking a poorly tested and unproven drug. Some even were reluctant — reports are that Kate did not want to take it, but towed the Royal Family line. Now that whole poor family is being devastated, as are the families of other nations’ leaders. They made themselves complicit in the attempt by the WEF to purge the globe of nationalist leaders. They gave in to madness.

We really must pray for the restoration of their souls as well as their bodies. May they recover their sanity, along with their proper body functioning.

From Mark Crispin Miller:

At the risk of seeming crass at this Sad Moment (which “our free press” will now embellish with their usual restraint and dignity), I urge that we remember, in the days and weeks to come, that (1) Queen Elizabeth (reportedly) was triple- “vaccinated,” and (2)

That, for all their billions, and other indications (some rather dark) of sky-high privilege (as well as their belief in homeopathy), the Windsors really were injected is a thesis we must now revisit, now that Charles III has “sudden” pancreatic cancer (once upon a time a “rare” disease”), the Princess of Wales is “receiving cancer treatment,” and “Fergie,” Duchess of York, has, since last year, been diagnosed with breast cancer, then skin cancer. In this regard the Windsors seem to be in the same boat as all the rest of us, obliging us to ask how that could be.

If we just lump all multibillionaires together, and figure that they’re all in that “big club” because they’re multibillionaires, we must be baffled, if not nettled, by what’s happened to the Windsors. If, on the other hand, we place this “sudden” wave of royal illness in the context of the globalist agenda, it makes a certain sense that they would not have been spared real injections, because the Royal Family is, of course, a wholly British institution, just as all royal families symbolize the history, mythology and customs of their respective nations—and so they arguably have to go, along with all the rest of British culture, in favor of the global order that’s been forced on us increasingly since 2020. Surely nothing would make Klaus Schwab et al. happier than to have Prince Harry and the animatronic Meghan Markle share the orb and scepter—the next best thing to having Kim Kardashian on the throne. (Other royals who seem to have been “vaccine”-injured, also possibly in furtherance of national erasure, include King Harald of Norway, Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand and Princess Yoko of Japan.)


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