Latest peer-reviewed study destroys any dignity left for these so-called “Covid experts”…

Covid experts are likely scrambling for cover as a new peer-reviewed study has been released. If any of them had any remaining dignity after all the politics, lies, and cover-ups, this study would surely wipe it out. But in the end, it’s not the experts who suffer the most; it’s all the people they deceived. According to the findings, heart-related Injuries from a Moderna C•19 Booster Dose were 3000x higher than thought. Researchers found a staggering 1 in 35 healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the booster dose.
So, this study basically tells us that in order to treat a bad “cold,” governments around the world created heart conditions in millions of people. The kicker is that the booster appears to impact woman more.

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