Monkeypox and leaky vaccinesA case study in WHO (and US HHS) incompetence.Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the face of this “crisis” of Monkeypox, we saw widespread deployment of a leaky and toxic “third generation” vaccine designed for preventing human Smallpox (an extinct virus) which the US Government had purchased, stockpiled, and then insisted (presciently before the Mpox outbreak based on very little data) be re-labeled as also indicated for prevention of Monkeypox infection. Sound familiar? And of course there was an Event 201-like war game planning event (held in Germany this time) preceding this “outbreak”, based on a scenario which somehow predicted the Mpox outbreak almost to the day. Corporate media and factcheckers will be glad to reassure you that this was purely a coincidence.
And now, wait for it, we have the apparent emergence of a cluster of vaccine-resistant Mpox virus recently detected in France among a highly vaccinated sexually active population of men who have sex with men (MSM). Who could have predicted that deploying a leaky vaccine into a susceptible population during a viral outbreak would drive development of vaccine resistant mutant viruses?…

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