More data from the life insurance industry about the potential harm of the “vaccine.”

Four weeks ago, OneAmerica insurance company CEO Scott Davison revealed that they had witnessed ‘the highest death rates in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica’ with a jump of ‘40% over what they were pre-pandemic.‘ Interestingly, Davison noted that the majority of deaths are not classified as due to Covid-19.

The implication to many was clear – that the Covid-19 vaccine is linked to the excess mortality, and months of vaccine injury reports were now spilling over to actuarial data – which is beginning to show, among other things, that younger, working-age people began dying in greater numbers as vaccine mandates hit for a disease which primarily kills older, non-working age individuals. The counter argument, often presented without evidence, is that the increase is due to people who postponed elective surgeries and other medical treatments during the pandemic.

Some key questions for the insurance companies:

  • What are the leading causes of death for 2020 and 2021?
  • How many of those who died were vaccinated vs. unvaccinated?

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