Natural Immunity Is as Protective as COVID Jab

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  Fact Checked March 07, 2023


A recent systematic review and meta-analysis found natural immunity is “at least as high,
if not higher” than that provided by two mRNA injections, and “provides strong, lasting
protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness”

Overall, infection-acquired immunity decreased the risk of hospitalization and death from
a COVID reinfection by 88% for a minimum of 10 months. For comparison, previous
studies have shown the efficacy of two COVID shots wanes to BELOW zero by the sixth
month, meaning the effectiveness becomes negative, making you more prone to
infection than you were before

However, the study was funded by the Gates Foundation and appears to have been spun
to facilitate the deployment of vaccine mandates

U.S. Medicare data show the COVID jab increases the all-cause mortality risk among the
elderly rather than lowering it

Analysis of data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in the U.K. reveals the shots
increase all-cause mortality for all age groups, and it’s only getting worse over time, all
while doing nothing to reduce deaths from COVID specifically

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