Nearly a Fourth of States Introducing Biometric Digital IDs — and More than Half are Republican ‘Red’ States

All of this data will be transferred instantaneously to third parties who have no inherent right to it, other than the fact that people voluntarily hand it over to them. Oh, they may say they need these digital tools for other reasons, but those of us who are awake and aware of the game plan know full well where it’s heading. They want to monitor your buying and living habits so they can award you a social-credit score, then offer rewards or punishments based on how well they determine you are using scarce resources such as food (especially meat, eggs and dairy), gasoline, natural gas, electricity, etc. They will also know if you’re “up to date” on your shots.

If your lifestyle is scored as less than “sustainable” you will be treated accordingly. All of a sudden your digital ID will flash a warning to the scanners at various entry points to everyday societal functions, and eventually these scanners will be all over, barring you from entry. You won’t even be able to log onto the internet. You will no longer qualify for any government services, a driver’s license, social security, Medicare and Medicaid, veteran’s benefits, etc.

A Federal Reserve official recently admitted that transactions using FedNow, the forerunner to a U.S. central bank digital currency that was launched last month, will provide the Fed with an inside look at your banking records.

And Dr. Pippa Malmgren, an economist and advisor to presidents, let the cat out of the bag in March 2022 at the World Government Summit, when she said this:

With digital IDs and digital currencies, central bankers will have a “perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy,” Malmgren said.

The infrastructure for that system started with 5G, installed with federal funds under the Trump administration. Now the states are doing their part, ushering in biometric digital drivers’ licenses.

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