“One United Criminal Group Exists – This Group is Biden, Blinken, and Nuland” – Andrii Derkach Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years with Simone Mangiante

As reported earlier – Among the evidence presented by Derkach, which without the resistance of the democratic leadership of the United States could have led to the end of Joe Biden’s political career long ago, were shadowy earnings of the Biden family due to protection of the interests of the Ukrainian mining company Burisma; political cover-up of an international corruption scheme to use the developed structure of Ukrainian grant organizations that embezzled financial aid provided at the expense of American taxpayers; offshoring of billions of dollars due to Ukraine’s transfer to reverse natural gas supplies; accountability of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies to the US Embassy in the investigation of high-profile criminal cases, direct blackmailing of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko for the sake of firing Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who came too close to the Bidens in the Burisma investigation.

It was also Derkach who first presented audio recordings of phone conversations between Biden and Poroshenko (known today as the “Derkach tapes”), and it was Derkach who proved the interference of the Democrat-created National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) in the 2016 presidential election on the side of Hillary Clinton.

Many American journalists, lawyers and congressmen at the time highly appreciated the evidence collected and publicized by Derkach, who proved the existence of an extensive structure of international corruption in Ukraine. Each public statement of Andriy Derkach was accompanied by indisputable documentary evidence in the form of official papers. A separate large area of Derkach’s work was the investigation of the so-called “Democorruption”, which attracted the attention of a reputable American investigator, prosecutor, lawyer and attorney – Rudy Giuliani, with whom Derkach planned to consolidate efforts on intergovernmental investigative activities.

However, after Derkach’s persecution by the U.S. and Ukrainian authorities, which included not only deprivation of citizenship and the status of people’s deputy but also the opening of criminal cases and even an attempt to physically eliminate him by special services, the fate of Andriy Derkach remained unknown for a long time.

American journalists found out that Derkach had been forced to leave the territory of Ukraine, had not been active in public activities for almost two years and was focused on searching for and analyzing new evidence of international corruption activities, including those related to the Biden family’s activity in Ukraine.

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