Our Revulsion Has Created A New Populist Majority. There is no stopping it now – it’s going to happen


If what we are undergoing is a 100+ year plot to subdue and transform humans into tightly-controlled socialist utopians run by corporations harvesting us for cash and data, welp, that plan is failing. The psychological warfare is failing. The culture cracking, carefully devised, is failing. The forcing of perverse sexual values is failing, the scam that is public education is failing, the scam that is the university is failing. The assault on our health via covid and vaccines has woken up a plurality. The WEF 15 minute cities scam is failing, the climate change scam is so stupid, cruel and obvious, anyone promoting it is viewed by the sensible as either corrupt or stupid and probably both…

The suspicion is growing that these people, from Biden through Trudeau, to Macron to Zelensky, are united in some repulsive, stupid cult where they actually rape and sacrifice children and drink their blood to get high and feel their power. There is a persistent rumour that Trudeau flies out to western Canada on the taxpayer dime to “surf” but instead goes to a gay party house in Deep Cove, outside Vancouver, where he is violent with young boys. His wife’s therapist was so horrified by what she heard, she talked. Justin, it is believed, was trafficked as a child. King Charles, it is believed, was raped/initiated in the African bush at the age of fifteen by Laurens Van der Post. This was set up by his godfather, Lord Mountbatten, widely suspected of raping orphaned children in northern Ireland, which was the real reason his boat was blown up, not “the IRA”. In this cult, the abused becomes the abuser. You are trained through trauma and extreme forms of psychic pain not to feel, so you can go on to punish and immiserate people. It is straight up Luciferian. It is why “leaders” like Macron and Trudeau can face the fury and suffering of their citizens and shrug. It’s why Bill Gates can see the horrors caused by his vaccine and shrug. They don’t care. They have been conditioned not to care. They have been trained to cruelty. Why does George Soros look like he’s been buried and dug up again? He lost his humanity to this moronic cult of power. He rejoices in the destruction in his wake. No on dares stop them, despite clear criminal activity, vis:..

Last week I spoke at length about this monstrous cabal to Dr. Peter Breggin, one of the most significant psychiatrists living or dead, much published, and his wife Ginger, the executive director of the Center for Empathic Living. They are the authors of the first book to expose the cabal after the Covid campaign, Covid 19 and the Global Predators, We Are the Prey. Their next book investigates this knot, this brutalism, this pollution, in our leadership. To my mind, the Breggins are the top innovators in psychiatry; their work is pivotal, urgent and right…

We have all the ideas now; all the cultural ferment is on our side, the left is dying of gutted and failed ideas. Populism has so much energy behind it, it can’t fail, it cannot be suppressed. It can’t be suppressed for the same reason I can write about child sacrifice among the elites safely. There are too many of us engaged. The RINOS might fight another election season, the administrative state will fight a rear guard action, but they are for the chopping block and they know it.
Clearly, only a populist vision can facilitate the needed reforms, such as trust-busting versus harmful and pernicious corporate monopolies and oligopolies. Only a true populist movement can insist on onshoring to bring productive capacity back to the shores of America. – The Emerging Populist Majority (p. 321).
Again, this is not organized. But it happening everywhere. The following is the reason I believe this movement is world-wide. All of the following are from headlines or titles of articles in the mainstream press. Show it to the despairing, or keep it to cheer yourself up. This is a global movement and it is unstoppable. The CCP better watch out, because they will be the last to fall, but fall they will. Their economic model is bullshit and cannot stand.

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