Patrick Wood explains how One Health includes everything, and that it is already embedded in our domestic agenciesIt needs to be uprooted. The rejecting of the WHO’s plans (which includes One Health) is the first step.


While the World Health Organization has been gaslighting the world about the need for a global “Pandemic Agreement,” the Feds had already rolled out the infrastructure to support it when nobody was watching.
While the United Nations and its WHO should be kicked out of New York into the Atlantic Ocean, the real problem is our own government, which has been front-running the whole operation for years.
It’s called “One Health.”
Initially conceived by the World Wildlife Conversation Association in 2004, the One Health Commission (see below) was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2009 with the objective of spreading the concept widely. It worked.
The NIH (National Institute for Health) got on board in a 2013 study, Toward Proof of Concept of a One Health Approach to Disease Prediction and Control, where they considered “the role of changing environments with regard to infectious and chronic disease risks affecting humans and nonhuman animals” and “disease prediction and control.” Then…
They found evidence to support each of these concepts but also identified the need for greater incorporation of environmental and ecosystem factors into disease assessments and interventions.
In 2023, not surprisingly, the CDC and the HHS (Department of Health and Human Services) conducted a study: National One Health Framework To Address Zoonotic Diseases and Advance Public Health Preparedness in the United States: A Framework for One Health Coordination and Collaboration Across Federal Agencies.”
So, off to the races they went. spreading the contagion (as a bonafide fact, not!) throughout several government agencies….

Basically, One Health intends to control all facets of life: Economics, water, public policy, occupational health risks, agriculture, global trade, commerce, environmental health, ecosystems, communications, climate change and incidentally, pandemics and human health.
Can you see the plan here? This encompasses 100% of living and inorganic material on the face of the planet.

All of the word-salad language in the rest of the Pandemic Agreement is superfluous to the main plan to unify everything to the One Health concept.
But wait, the federal government has already been steeped in One Health for almost 20 years!
While everybody obsesses over the loss of sovereignty, the horse has already left the barn. Instead, we should think about how to rip this stinkweed out of our native soil.

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