Polls show two-thirds of Americans do not want COVID shot mandates

According to Fisher, polls show two-thirds of Americans do not want COVID shot mandates.1 They do not want to be required to show a vaccine passport in order to participate in society, enter a restaurant or a store, hold a job or go to college.2 “There is definitely not an appetite in this country for mandatory use of this COVID-19 vaccine,” Fisher says.

[People are] starting to understand that vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission. The entire mandatory vaccination system has been built on the myth that if you get vaccinated, you cannot get infected and transmit the infection to other people. The truth is that vaccine-acquired immunity is often very temporary and sometimes you don’t get it at all. ~ Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC

Welcome to the NVIC Advocacy Portal (NVICAP)
Achieving and protecting the right to informed consent to vaccination is more important now than ever before, and we need your help to make that happen. NVIC wants to help you, our members, to organize and make a difference in your home state right where you live to expand your rights and stop forced vaccination. It is at the state level that mass vaccination policies are made, and it is at the state level where your action to protect your rights can have the greatest impact.  Also, when national vaccine issues occur, you will be plugged in to the information and action items necessary to make sure your voice is heard.

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