Preserve free enterprise

I have spent most of my life working in small business. As a matter of fact, my family is a small business family. 

My father, along with my aunt and uncle, worked in my grandfather’s corrugated box factory. He later went on to form his own life insurance brokerage.

My mother had a long career working for a variety of small business owners in publishing, teacher training, and child care.  

I was one of those kids who ran a lemonade stand on hot summer days. And, I grew up in my father’s brokerage.

I had a series of jobs with small firms before starting my life insurance sales practice. My wife also worked in a number of small firms before joining my brokerage as web master and office manager. My son has worked with me too, in addition to running his own small ventures.

The small business environment promotes freedom: freedom to be your own boss. To create. To build a better mousetrap. To succeed or fail by your own efforts.

A long time ago, I decided that I would much rather have the pressures of paying my own way, than the stresses of working for someone who did not have my personal well-being and prosperity at heart. That ruled out a government job, and working for a large corporation.

When I see the push to expand government control of the economy, as well as to have Big Companies provide more and more of our goods and services, I see small business owners and self-employed people becoming sacrificial lambs. There was no clearer example of this than when some state governors shut down “non-essential” businesses in the Covid pandemic – while the Big Ones stayed open and took their customers.

“Non-essential?’” The income of every person is essential – to their own household.  

No room for Marxism in America.