Psychological warfare and medical tyranny.

Truth Over Tyranny.2: Biblical wisdom for defeating the Technocrats.

These are my insights for defeating the Transhumanist Technocracy movement, based on the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (the Rav,) of blessed memory, on the weekly Bible portion.

Psychological warfare is the most insidious and diabolical method used by the tranhumanist technocracy to get us to capitulate. They continually discredit people they consider obstacles to imposing their New World order. They justify the persecution of these people because “the world will be better off without them.”

To rally public support for their attacks, the technocrats claim these people are a danger to our society. Some examples include:

… “Election deniers” are a threat to democracy.
… Peaceful J6 demonstrators are “insurrectionists.”
… Donald Trump is a dictator-wannabe.
… MAGA supporters are “extremists”
… Parents who oppose pornography in schools are “terrorists.”
… “Vaccine skeptics” are a public health hazard.

The false claim that “vaccine skeptics” are a public health hazard was the the most severe of these malicious slanders. Even our own doctors fell victim to technocracy brainwashing and institutional coercion, and claimed that people who did not take the shot could kill people. The opinions of Anti-Vaxxers were deemed illegitimate, no matter that were backed by science and followed the data. They had no right to bodily autonomy. They deserved no sympathy, even when they had valid health or religious considerations that qualified for exemptions.  Worse of all, they should be punished: fired from their jobs. Deprived of medical treatment.  Maybe even interned in concentration camps.   

This subversion of our healthcare institutions to a depopulation crusade was a shock to many of us, and we will be dealing with damage for generations to come. Yet while we think such evil is an historical anomaly, it unfortunately is not. It is actually reminiscent of the experience of the Hebrews in ancient Egypt. The Rav points this out in his commentary on Parashat Shemot.

This is the scene: Jacob’s family had settled in Egypt, and were thriving. But a new king came to power who was unfamiliar with their history of productive relations with the government. Not only that – he considered them a threat, due to their large numbers. So he enslaved them, and oppressed them with hard labor.

But even worse, he embarked on a program of genocide. He ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill the newborn Hebrew boys. The Torah reports his command this way:

“If it is a son, you may put him to death, but if it is a daughter, she may live.” (Shemot 1.16)

The Rav asks this question about that order:

“Why did Pharoah relegate the task of killing the male infants to the Jewish midwives? Why did he not order his own people to kill the Jewish males?

His answer reveals the psychological warfare that was integral to this mass murder. It was also evident in subsequent attempts to eliminate the Jews throughout history:

“A tactic employed by our enemies to oppress the Jews through the generations has been to discredit them — to argue that this nation does not deserve the world’s sympathy. During the Holocaust, the Nazis forcibly took Jews to an elegant hotel in Warsaw, had them dress in festive clothing, loaded the tables with delicacies, hired an orchestra, and forced the Jews to dance. All the while a Nazi photographer took photos of them. Afterward, they were immediately sent to the death camps. After the war it was discovered that the Nazis had planned to disseminate these pictures to demonstrate how Jews callously ignored the suffering of their brethren, even celebrating while their coreligionists were being slaughtered.

“This method was originated by Pharoah. Pharoah wanted to show the world that the Jews were not worthy of sympathy — see how their own midwives, whose job was to bring children into the world and alleviate the pain of the mothers, killed the children! He wanted to show that the world would be better off without such people.” Chumash HaRav, Vol Shemot, p7.

The Anti-Vaxxers of the fake pandemic are just like the Hebrews of Ancient Egypt. Back then Pharaoh had the Hebrew midwives kill people, because the Hebrews don’t deserve sympathy, and deserve to be persecuted The Global elites of today had our doctors force poison injections on the Anti-Vaxxers, because they don’t deserve sympathy and deserve to be persecuted

I will add this:

The rest of this story in the Torah is that the midwives disobeyed Pharoah’s order. They refused to murder the newborn Hebrew boys. That act of moral disobedience will be covered in other essays. It stands as a lesson for every generation: we must each take a stand in opposition to the imposition of tyranny.

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