Renowned Climate Scientists Warn Public: Green Agenda Based on ‘Hoax’

wo of the world’s most renowned climate scientists have spoken out to warn the public that the green agenda being peddled by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its globalist allies is based on a “hoax.”

As Slay News has extensively reported, governments around the world are scrambling to meet the “Net Zero” goals of the green agenda.

This destructive agenda is being led by the WEF and other similarly-aligned unelected bureaucratic organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The alleged goal of the green agenda is to fight the so-called “global warming/climate change/global boiling crisis.”

However, meeting these goals means ramping up taxes, stripping the public of basic freedoms, and drastically lowering the quality of life for the general population.

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