Report: ‘Healthcare workers’ raped innocents; UN ‘peacekeepers’ shelled civilians

As Frontline News previously reported, the World Health Organization (WHO), a UN agency, is headed by a terrorist who keeps rapists and pedophiles on staff giving them the power to abuse the poorest people in the world. He even flies these staff members to towns in the developing world, with fancy rental cars and hotel rooms waiting for them, and with far more cash than the local residents have – a perfect recipe for exploitation.

Actual terrorist at the helm

Even hardcore anti-globalists might be tempted to write off such charges as ludicrous, yet it is hard to ignore the evidence Frontline News has detailed about WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’s past:
Tedros [was] a leader of Ethiopia’s brutal minority party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, a wing of the ruling Marxist-rooted Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front …The United States State Department has categorized TPLF as a terrorist organization due to its “violent activities …
During his tenure as Ethiopia’s health minister and then foreign minister, Tedros risked the health of citizens for political gain:
[H]ealth experts in Ethiopia noticed a strange phenomenon: The government was refusing to acknowledge cholera outbreaks. Instead, the authorities labelled the outbreaks as “acute watery diarrhea” … the Ethiopian government was pressuring its health workers to avoid any mention of cholera, which could damage the country’s image and deter tourists.
That’s from Tedros’ pre-WHO days. What of Tedros today?

Actual rapists on the healthcare staff
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts argued on the floor of Parliament that the WHO, far from having well-meaning leaders unaware of the child rapes carried out by their subordinates, “is rotting from the head,” Frontline News reported. Here’s his textual introduction to the video of his speech, posted on his YouTube Channel:
Former terrorist Tedros Ghebreyesus will not fire 83 WHO staff engaged in abuse including rape and forced abortions, with one victim 13, claiming rape and forced abortion do not violate WHO’s policies because the victims were not receiving WHO aid. [Emphasis added.]

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