Senior Physician Warns: Aggressive and Unusual Cancers following Covid ‘Vaccination’ are on the Rise in Sweden

A senior Swedish physician and researcher is sounding the alarm over the link between Covid-19 vaccinations, fast-growing cancers, and inflammatory conditions of the blood vessels in patients who died following Covid-19 mRNA vaccination.

Dr. Ute Kruger is based at the regional hospital in Kalmar, Sweden. In a recent interview with the Norwegian Association of Doctors and Health Workers (given in Swedish and translated by RAIR Foundation USA), Dr. Kruger expressed alarm at the extraordinary rates of aggressive cancers she is now seeing. Dr. Kruger, who has worked in pathology for 25 years and 18 years in breast cancer diagnostics, has studied 8,000 autopsies and is now convinced of the link between vaccination and death, to say nothing of her conviction that many of her medical colleagues continue to deny these links.

“The vaccines against Covid-19 appear to trigger fast-growing cancers, or porocarcinoma (a type of skin cancer) and also inflammatory conditions in the body, so-called auto-immune diseases,” said Dr. Kruger. “Maybe this cancer development is linked to the inflammatory conditions. I’ve talked to other pathologists who are seeing an increased number of tumors that were hardly ever seen before. I mean rare tumors, and that the number of cancer cases has increased in different organs.”

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