“Shedding” Part 5 – Evidence of Shedding Causing Illness In Others


Here I present an epidemiologic study suggesting population-wide shedding impacts, case notes of patients sensitive to shedding, and social media reports.

Again, to summarize the evidence presented in the previous posts in this series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4):
Lipid nanoparticles of various types and applications have the ability to disseminate widely to numerous organs and can cross to fetuses trans-placentally and accumulate and transmit via breast milk
Equally disturbing and suggestive are data (but insufficient to prove shedding as sole cause) of massively increased reports to VAERS of miscarriages, stillbirths and fetal malformations.
In regards to breast milk transmission, numerous adverse event reports strongly support shedding/transmission of vaccine products between mother and baby via breast milk (babies developing strokes, convulsions, respiratory failure, facial paralysis, blurred vision and anaphylaxis (among other concerning symptoms).
Now we are getting closer to the real question, which is, can the vaccine components or the spike protein be transmitted from one human to another… and cause symptoms?
Lets start with my first two personal treatment anecdotes (from the intro to my first post in this series):

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