Should we forgive the totalitarian butchers?

It’s a great question: should we forgive the perpetrators of savagery in totalitarian regimes?

From Washington Examiner:

“At Kor’s behest, Munch made a signed declaration of the purpose of Auschwitz and his role in the Nazi killing apparatus on Jan. 27, 1995. There, Kor delivered a “personal declaration of forgiveness” to all who participated in the Holocaust…”‘

“As she spoke, Kor said she “felt all the pain [she] had carried with [her] for fifty years lifted from [her] shoulders.”..

“Kor found forgiveness empowering and became a vocal forgiveness advocate. She peppers The Power of Forgiveness with advice for readers seeking to forgive, asking them to write, but never send, personal letters to those who have harmed them…”

“Forgiveness can help people “break free of [their] rage,” Kor argues, while those who hold on to anger allow their victimizers to control their emotions and their lives. “We don’t forgive for others,” she explains. “We forgive for ourselves.”..

“Failing to forgive can also create a “cycle of destruction” in which victims “pass on their repressed rage and powerlessness to their own children and grandchildren, who, in turn, eventually seek revenge.”..

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