Suddenly & Unexpectedly

Steve’s Endeavor



Steve Connolly is hurting and angry from losing many friends since covid vaccines were deployed on the population under Operation Warp Speed (OWS), which is a joint operation between the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
After I presented Death Certificate analyses to a crowd in a rural New Hampshire church in late 2022, Steve introduced himself to me. He was angry at the covid vaccine situation, but wanted to do something positive to prevent others from being harmed or killed.
Steve searches for the words “suddenly” or “unexpectedly” in obituaries online on his phone. Then he screen-captures them and sends them to me via text message from time to time. I look up the Death Certificates and tell him the official causes of death.
A week ago, Steve came up with a great idea. He found an online data tool embedded in a national obituary website, Steve utilized the website’s advanced search tool to filter obituaries for the keywords “suddenly” and “unexpectedly.” He then filtered by date range and U.S. state.
I created a multi-user spreadsheet and gave Steve access. He populated the sheet with the number of instances of “suddenly” or “unexpectedly” for every U.S. state and for the years 2015 through August 21, 2023.

The results are staggering and incontrovertible. Something is very wrong with public health beginning not in the covid year of 2020, but rather upon deployment of the transfecting gene therapy drug the government calls a “vaccine” in 2021.
While there can be no attribution to a single cause of death, this is an alarming trend that cannot be unseen. What is causing such a rise? Is it fentanyl overdoses? Is it the use of a medicament in hospital? Could it possibly be the covid gene therapy drug deployed in the past two years?
This is strong pragmatic evidence, corroborative of the insurance data highlighted by Ed Dowd, that there is a public health emergency manifesting in an astronomical increase in sudden fatalities since 2021 and it appears not to be covid per se. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) either does not know about this perceived issue of doubling of sudden or unexpected fatalities, or will not publicly acknowledge it. Be it incompetence or deliberate indifference, the logical conclusion is that the CDC is dangerous to our society.
There is no epidemic in history that has acted how the CDC purports covid to have acted. EXHIBIT F in my lawsuit against the Governor, Public Health Commissioner, Chief Medical Examiner, and four individual medical examiners, Beaudoin v Baker et al (2022), filed in U.S. District Ct., District of Massachusetts, proves government fraud and proves that government covid interventions are responsible for far more fatalities than covid per se.

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