In 1970, Stefan Possony described the characteristics of people’s war as follows:40
People’s war is a long drawn-out or protracted revolution. Its unavoidable duration is exploited by guerillas to bankrupt their opponents politically, morally, and economically.41…The most practical objective of guerilla warfare is to create chaotic conditions in the target country and prevent effective, efficient, and good government.
The key concept of a people’s war is to build up dual power by means of guerilla warfare. Dual power means the existence of two sets of power institutions, authorities, and government-like administration functioning side-by-side competitively.
The transition of power from government No. 1 to government No. 2 is to be accomplished by withdrawing the loyalty of the population from the pre-existing government and bestowing it on the emerging government, while simultaneously providing it with legitimacy. This transition constitutes the revolutionary process.
Victory means that one or the other government prevails. Defeat means that one or the other government (or regime) disappears [author’s emphasis]. The transfer of loyalty depends in large measure upon the success of violent guerilla operations.42
Some of its tactical methods include:
The use of propaganda to deprive its enemy of its legitimacy and outside support….Propaganda, especially if it is attended by conquest, is the prime method through which legitimacy is withdrawn and attributed to a new power elite.43 In this context, propaganda has a special purpose: “As the war appears and disappears from the news but for years continues to rage, world public opinion is being conditioned to accept rebel victory as inevitable and pre-destined.”44
Destroying the enemy’s economy.
Promoting anti-militarism and encouraging defections from the army, stimulation of desertion and mutiny.45
Mass terror as a “psychological” operation to weaken the enemy’s forces and morale, and strengthen the guerillas.46
Securing intelligence and denying intelligence to the enemy.47
Manifestations of the Palestinian “People’s War”
The present conflict with the Palestinians has the basic characteristics of a people’s war. It is part of the original Phased Strategy. Based on an extended time-frame, its method is to defeat Israel by demoralizing its citizens and undermining its ability to fight, by attacking the rear (civilian society), destroying its economy, and promoting dissension in order to undermine its moral and social cohesion. Therefore, let us devote some attention to the varied effects of a people’s war upon Israeli society and its ability to stand up to this type of insurrection.