The Cover-up Behind January 6th: NDAs, Capitol Police, and a Call to Action

The Cover-up Behind January 6th: NDAs, Capitol Police, and a Call to Action
Silenced Whistleblowers: Former Capitol Police Officer Tells America Mission, ‘The Capitol Police Forced a Number of Capitol Police Employees to Sign NDAs after January 6th’
The Silent Keepers: How NDAs and Key Players Are Obscuring the January 6th Narrative
October 30th, 2023:

New disclosures claim that Capitol Police officers were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), raising new questions about the transparency surrounding January 6th. In an exclusive with America Mission, Former Capitol Police Officer Tarik ‘TK’ Johnson alleges these NDAs may hold more weight than previously released video footage, painting a disturbing picture of institutional cover-ups. Is Speaker Mike Johnson willing to demand accountability?
Unveiled from a recent discussion regarding the events of January 6th are questions surrounding non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) that were reportedly forced upon Capitol Police employees. Speaking with the America Mission Team, Former Capitol Police officer Tarik ‘TK’ Johnson blew another hole in the continually unraveling January 6th narrative.
TK: “A lot of capitol police officers could be and would be whistleblowers. A lot of the former employees and current ones, the Capitol Police forced a number of Capitol Police employees to sign NDAs.
You guys need to see what’s in those NDAs. You guys gotta see it. Once you see what’s in those NDAs, that’s going to help probably even more than the video. So once, now this chief, along with the general counsel tied the bias, they’re going to do everything that they can to never have those NDAs lifted because you can’t have ’em lifted, and this narrative of J6 stay the same. Now, they did a lot of things to a lot of people on the Capitol Police that was employed with the Capitol Police. You guys need to see what’s in those NDAs. That’s going to help probably even more than the video.”

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