92% of us believe in a soul, God, an Infinite Eternal Intelligence. Our ruined churches work to destroy that faith.
elizabeth nickson
Mar 02, 2025
I remember exactly where I was when someone told me I had a religious heritage. I’m not getting the phrase quite right; she meant a dominating strain in my precious self, important, critical. We were standing outside the house of a woman pastor in the Foursquare church in Eugene, Oregon, where I’d attended a bible study with a dozen women in their 20s. It was a forested neighbourhood, prosperous, and I was researching a story for the Sunday Times Magazine (UK) on Bible Belles, conservative young women of faith who (to the horror of the editors) were anti-abortion. Foursquare, a big, raucous college church, was founded by Aimee Semple Macpherson, an ecstatic Christian from whose rather titanic self – tall, robust, a beauty with bountiful Gibson Girl hair – actual miracles flowed. I loved it. It was fun. It was as unlike mainline Protestantism as possible and, I thought at the time, the next obvious step for the institutional church. The pastors were young, engaged, filled with ideas. I’d gone to black revivals in the south and fallen in love with ecstatic Christianity. Everyone would love this, I thought, it is rock and roll without the hangover. Of course, at the time, I wasn’t aware of the heavy hand of the social justice/cultural prison in which we all live. Lived.
had been telling this lovely girl about my early American family, both parents’ ancestors landing in the River Colony (Connecticut) in the early 1600’s. My mother a direct descendant of Thomas Hooker, the renegade prelate from the Massachusetts Colony, and my father from a vast unnervingly busy family who crossed the ocean ‘praying and expounding thw word of God the whole way”. Jonathan Edwards’ daughter had married into that family in the midst of the First Great Awakening. I don’t know if anyone still reads Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, but I imagine it bears resemblance to the experience of federal bureaucrats in DC right about now.
According to Rabbi Shais Taub, I fall into the category of spiritual sensitives, which is to say that without a spiritual life, I would not be able to function. My early life, though “privileged”, was hostile and difficult, even dangerous, so unconsciously I came to the conclusion that the only thing that provides stability is a relationship with what Taub calls “the infinite eternal one.” That has set my life on a crazed course, where I followed no advice, and planned my life without reason, following always the path this steady, benign, surprising, magnetic Presence recommended. Often my answers go like this: “What?? Really???? For Real???” Unlike the average bear, I didn’t really have a choice. Occasionally I tried to conform, be normal. It always ended in unhappiness.
Do you know what that makes me? And you, if you are in my boat? Un-propagandizable. We don’t ‘belong’ to anything or anyone. We are truly our own persons. Not available to the latest song-and-dance Trudeau or Obama or Klaus Schwab or Atlantic Council. Taub also describes the other category of spiritual seeker, the one who chooses to find God, who participates in the church, who studies and learns and then becomes ‘of God’. Within the magic circle. An independent collaborator with the divine.
These are not the kind of people Mr Global wants on his prison farm. Therefore it must be killed. And how better kill the faith of hundreds of millions, billions of people than embroil the church and its money in the most heinous crime in history. It is hard to say, whether, when mapping out the destruction of faith, the Obama/Hillary/WEFer/etc team decided to do it via the sexual abuse of children or if they saw human trafficking as, Lord Almighty, a vast pit filled with lovely taxpayer and churchgoer money.
In any case, they instituted a massive campaign against reason and common sense and, using faith as an instrument, convinced hundreds of millions to go along with mass migration, the rape and murder of women and children by said migrants, the destruction of cultural norms, the ruination of the cities, the bankruptcy of their country via chasing ridiculous irrational goals like Net Zero, Sustainable Development, and the breaking of every sexual/moral arrangement man has ever discovered that makes collective life bearable.
Hence the necessary expulsion of Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Alois Ratzinger who stood against Obama’s bendy “Arc of History”. It is a generally accepted “conspiracy theory” that Ratzinger was ruined by Hillary’s Deep State, under the orders of Obama and Obama’s closest adviser, disgraced former Cardinal Ted McCarrick. McCarrick’s crimes against children were so vast the Vatican was forced to defrock him, and issue a 500 page report detailing the fact that “mistakes were made”. There were apparently, 5000 pages of evidence.
McCarrick was Obama’s ecclesiastical Chief of Staff.
Obama and McCarrick stood up the Deep Church and Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis). Which led, in 2014, courtesy of McCarrick and Obama, to the first “children’s crusade,” the 60,000 unaccompanied minor children who arrived in the U.S., and promptly vanished.
Why? The Catholic Church, given its priests’ proclivity for altar boys, was struggling financially and omg migrants! Of course!!! A billion dollars of taxpayer money vanished into the coffers of the American Catholic Church, promptly followed by all the other churches, which set up charities to flood America and Canada with desperate criminals to break the social system “enjoyed” and arduously built over centuries by the struggling working class — their hospitals, neighborhoods, parks, community centres and schools.
McCarrick visited the Biden White House repeatedly during the Biden “presidency”, despite his defrocking and despite the fact that he was found to be, in 2024, “incompetent” in a case charging sexual abuse of a boy in Wisconsin.
According to Liz Yore, a ferocious trench warrior in the fight against child trafficking, these grants need auditing. And defunding.
This week Yore went on Steve Bannon to demand that Trump investigate Obama and ex-Cardinal McCarrick and the massive tranche of NGO grants to churches. McCarrick was, says Yore, not only responsible for the “children’s crusade” of 60,000 unaccompanied child migrants brought in under Obama in 2014; he, a literal demon, devised the massive hellscape that brown and black children experience today, a plight so heinous people cannot even look at it. Last week, in Congress, a DHS woman testified that her office dropped off 500 migrant children at a strip club. She had put together a power point to prove this was a bad decision but was over ridden by her superiors. How is that even possible?
Billions of dollars over the past ten years has poured into various churches to enable illegal migration. It is almost as if we were actually funding a massive child sacrifice program. Yore is asking for an audit of all the records relating to the so-called Catholic Spring, which loosened the bonds of Catholicism to the point where, lo and behold, Catholics world-wide were, under Francis, signing onto the whole Globalist schtick — global boiling, abortion, transsexual “tolerance”, gay marriage, vaccines, migration, and the breaking of Anglo-European civilization.
Ratzinger, who stood against all of it — the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the deals with China — had to be forcibly retired.
What are the results of this war on faith?
Predictably, only thirty percent of us now identify as Christian to the point of actually going to church. While few know how deeply into child sexual abuse and trafficking almost every church is, the institution reeks of evil. It gives off a stench. Just google ‘church’ and sexual abuse. It seems that every church, big and small, has some demon busy destroying the innocent. The average person, educated, sensible, rightly shrugs when ‘church’ is mentioned. The edifices of the church have little meaning anymore. Like everything Obama and his nasty cohorts did, they turned an American institution to dirt.
But religion, faith, will not go away.
The U.S. was founded on Christianity. Not on “democracy”, nor on the Iroquois version of confederacy, nor on the idea of a Republic. Christianity first. Then a Republic. I know that because I come from that 200 years before the flood of immigration began. I have the primary research in my crawl space: diaries, letters, the memoirs starting in 1640 when paper was a rare-as-caviar luxury, deeds, wills, family trees. Faith was front and centre in their lives. The early Puritans were scholarly people, who daily discussed (and passionately) their beliefs, their theories, the mystery of existence. Hollywood and Deep Publishing misrepresents that world to the point of travesty. There were no Deists on the frontier. God was present because you needed God to be present and active. Deists came when life was safe and you were rich like Jefferson and reason was all you needed to survive. Earlier it was too damned terrifying. Life then was collective because danger made it necessary: your neighbours’ plight was your own. The 20 generations of my family that followed were ferociously committed to community service, because for two centuries community service stood between life and death.
Out of that, those 150 years, came the ideas that formed the U.S. and Canada, not from Locke or Burke or Montesquiou or Bolingbroke (another ancestor). Those ideas were folded in, gave the experience expression. The American Experiment, its exceptionalism, grew out of the basic principles of a Christianity so muscular it was practised every day to ward off catastrophe, and to fill the hours and days with limerence. The mystery that surrounded them was their obsession. As it should be ours.
In the four years leading up to the Trump reinstallation, I noticed more and more people I thought of as materialists shift, just as little, towards a simple faith. Those years, to a moral person —who viewed the plight of others not as an indication that you were better or smarter, but as something to be solved — were dark and frightening, and required faith. The public intellectuals of the time, Tucker, Joe Rogan, Andrew Huberman, Aayan Hirst Ali, Jordan Peterson all professed some version of Christianity.
Of course Deep Publishing took notice and galloped forward to stake a claim.
Jonathan Rausch, a self-identified Jewish homosexual, recently published Cross Purposes, Christianity’s Broken Promise with Democracy. Rauch, a leftie Brookings/Atlantic denizen, sneers at common Christianity and believes it should be hooked onto noble globalism, but that’s not my point. He believes, correctly I think, that Christianity is the loading beam, the fundamental structural element on which American democracy is built. He almost gets it. I would argue, having read his book, that he is not a person of any faith but the formalist. He is, like all that class, proscriptive, as in he knows how we must behave. He even writes that at Brookings, all they do is try to figure out how to make people behave.
The American Founders told everyone who would listen (and some who wouldn’t) that the republic could not endure without a virtuous citizenry. They warned that the Constitution was necessary but not sufficient. Today, you will find similar warnings in the works of America’s most prominent liberal thinkers, such as Francis Fukuyama, William Galston, and Peter Berkowitz. They have been outspoken about runaway individualism and woeful civic illiteracy, and they have proposed all sorts of measures, from civics education to political reforms, to make liberalism fairer and kinder. Sometimes I think that we at the Brookings Institution, the think tank where I work in Washington, D.C., do practically nothing else all day.
Do ya, pal? Of course, for Rauch, anathema is anything Trump or Trump related. Populism? ICK! says Brookings in a loud chorus.
So too, his class stablemate Ross Douthat, a Catholic “conservative” columnist for the New York Times, who just published, Believe, Why Everyone Should Be Religious. The two men are globalist scum, frankly. They want to use Christianity as a way to force everyone to be good globalist serfs, accepting everything our superiors – them – want from us.
These books were published because our cultural superiors have recognized just how important Christianity is to power. And they are out of power, (temporarily, they think). So in the meantime, let’s try to gather Christians (ugh) into our globalist scum fold.
How lovely then, for us, that their version of Christianity under their sainted light bringer Obama, instituted the importation of hundreds of thousands of child migrants who promptly disappeared into strip clubs and God only knows where. Everything these people say is negated by that one indisputable fact.
Look, this is my point: American exceptionalism comes from the miracles found within an immanent Christianity. For Trump’s people, his win was a miracle in the face of the massive, taxpayer-funded-in-the-billions, cheating, lying Democrat propaganda machine. That victory was a miracle, as plain as the bullet missing by millimetres, and it was heartily prayed for across the country.
The idea of freedom came from the divine contradiction that a religious life, a spiritual life, confers freedom. You are, as Jonathan Edwards said, free to choose not to be a person of faith. It also means the world does not control you. When some demon comes along offering the editorship of a big city daily, say, you recognize the trap and say nope. When some fiend from the Lutheran church tells you that flooding working class, black and hispanic neighborhoods with barely literate migrants for whom violence is normal, is virtuous, you say why not your upper class suburb, buddy?
You are living under grace whether you know it or not. I swear to you if you choose grace, you are living within miracles; solutions arrive from beyond any tool like reason. Building America from scratch required those inspired solutions, those grace notes, those invasions of the divine. Which come through the individual acting within his home place, not the collectivist bullies in Davos, Brussels or USAID. Nor some AI genius program.
Rebuilding America is going to require the same miraculous solutions.
This of course is anathema to the vile consortium of the bankster/left. They want us obedient and suppressed. Guilty. In perpetual psychological distress.
The just released Pew Study shows an uptick in people professing Christianity, and a massive plurality who believe in God, but the actual church? Still failing.
Let it fail, I say. Strip it of funding. Let a new church rise. Mysticism fills the socials, as do Christian and Jewish influencers building the new religious consensus. The pleasures of materialism are fading, as the culture fills up with violence and filth and we become aware that our wretched elites and Hollywood are unbelievably disgusting. Last week alone, Sean Combs was charged with raping a baby and the National Security State chat was filled with sexual perversion so repellent, you want to burn down the building.
A new culture is being born. I feel it. And within it we may just find a necessary grace.