The Most Important Topics of Our Time

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  Fact Checked January 15, 2023


Supply chain disruptions causing food and energy shortages appear inevitable, as both
industries are being intentionally targeted and dismantled under the guise of combating
climate change, and global economic collapse is a mathematical certainty

The economic collapse will usher in programmable central bank digital currencies
(CBDCs), which will be used to control your behavior and your health

The globalist cabal is also pursuing a one world totalitarian government through the
World Health Organization, under the guise of global biosecurity

Inside the U.S., the transhumanist movement is fusing medicine with Silicon Valley and
the national security state. There’s a concerted effort to frame transhumanism — which is
really the new eugenics — as health care

People all over the world face a long list of growing crises. It’s important to understand
these threats, and what you can do to prepare, resist and overcome them. Action items,
solutions and guidance are presented for each

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