The Neo-Enclosure of the Whole Worlddreamed up by the worst villains on Wall Street and being aimed first at the people of South and Central America


I live in a green prison camp. It is the world that the UN/WEF plans for us all. The population is low, and despite being one of the prettiest, most fertile, resource-rich places on earth, our population never rises, and in fact, is experiencing slow attrition. House prices are insane, because build-out is capped, therefore supply is limited; roughly one person per five acres is the formula used. People live in tents, RVs, cars.
Our average age is 65+, because few young people can afford to live here. There is no business other than seasonal tourism. There is no housing for school teachers, hospital workers, police or check-out people, the latter of whom live in stacked trailers behind the grocery store.
Every attempt to build social housing, or any housing at all is defeated by “the community”, by which I mean vicious little stouts who stand up and whine about climate change, and “too many people”. They field children “I’m so scared for my future”, and retired professors so old they can barely stand up “worried about my grandchildren”. After about thirty of these, the already compromised officials refuse the application. This. Happens. Everywhere.
As a result we are in stasis. Any new business has to conform to a code so onerous they count the number of cars in your driveway, estimate the carbon emissions, and then factor that into the application. Approval for any actual business that would employ people and create something people want to buy, can cost a million bucks and take five years.
This is what is being imposed on South and Central America. They are lowering this net of regulatory steel region by region, city by city, avoiding going through national assemblies or parliaments. It is meant to be another bureaucratic behemoth much like the EU. A slow but relentless drawing down of activity.
Unelected entities – working out of Geneva, with the ultimate authority resting in the Bank of International Settlements – will enforce this net.

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