Truth About Mandatory ‘Safety Device’ Biden Signed Into Law – This Is the Power Government Wants Over You

Correction: A previous version of this article stated the legislation in question requires car makers to install “safety devices” capable of preventing or limiting motor vehicle operation in “every new vehicle starting in 2026.” That year is incorrect. Due to the legislation’s wording, implementation is required to begin no later than 2029. The article also referred to “remote kill switches.” We have removed the word “remote” and clarified that control of the devices could be remote because of the legislation’s vague wording and will certainly not be under control of the driver in the vehicle.Additionally, The Western Journal has replaced the phrase “completely shut down” with the phrase used in the legislation: “prevent or limit motor vehicle operation.” And we have replaced the term “new vehicle” with the term used in the legislation: “[new] passenger motor vehicles.” We have also added a small number of clarifying phrases.

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