Tucker Carlson Examines The Strange Destruction Of Food Processing Plants Across The Country

What is going on here? Tucker Carlson examined the issue in his opening monologue on Monday night.

From FOX News:

Last spring, in March, at a press conference in Brussels, Joe Biden explained that the sanctions he was imposing against Russia, while morally necessary, were also going to cause food shortages around the world, including here in the United States. “It’s going to be real,” he said.

Now, Biden said this in a very odd way. There was no hint or panic, emotions you’d expect from a leader predicting the deaths of human beings from starvation. None of that. Instead, there was pure, nonchalant casualness. Biden could have been describing the weather or a trip to the dry cleaners. “It’s going to be real.”

Then Biden continued, recounting a conversation he had with European allies. He told us all about it. When he met with the group, Biden said, they spoke about “how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly food shortages.” That’s what Joe Biden said verbatim. It’s on tape…

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