UK Scientist Reveals Bombshell Data Analysis: Tracks Batches Of Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen, Finds “

..Some Batches Are 50 Times Worse Than Others” App “How Bad Is My Batch?” Allows People To Input Batch Code And See How Many Deaths, Disabilities and Illnesses Associated With That Batch “1 in 200 Lots Contain Deadly Ingredients”

I was told about the work of Craig Paardekooper by my friend of many years, PhD bio-chemist Dr. Dave Rasnick a few days ago; Today came this email from Dave, clarifying his shocking findings:

“ I’m following the very important work of Craig Paardekooper at Kingston University London.  Recently, I introduced Craig’s work to our email group.
Three of his conclusions:

  • The companies purposely manufactured non-uniform formulations of their vaccines while representing to the public that all COVID-19 vaccines from a given manufacturer were uniform in their formulation.
  • Over 20,000 different batches (lots) of Pfizer, Moderna, J & J injections total. 
  • 1 in 200 lots contain deadly ingredients. He urged me to watch a series of videos, in which he lays out the unthinkable.
    Another, “Death By Alphabet: Moderna Batch Codes And Associated Deaths:” 

    “Please share with those you know, and also with doctors, nurses and teachers – who may soon be pushing the vax onto children. Doctors and nurses need to see that some batches are 50 x worse than others – before they prescribe them.”

    —Craig Paardekooper, Telegram

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