There was an error in the original article which is now fixed, apologies:

The donations reported were made to the Health System in Israel, and not to the Ministry of Health itself. The Ministry’s duty is to report those donations, which it did late & only after a legal petition.


Amongst the institutions that received donations from Pfizer were Ben Gurion University (with the largest amount from Pfizer with 5.3 million shekels). Hadassah Hospital, Ichilov Hospital, Shaare Zedek and Sheba Tel Hashomer hospitals.

Also, the report shows donations were made from Pfizer & other big pharma companies to hospitals, medical centers, companies, health funds and universities and participated in the financing of trips, flights and training abroad.


Efrat Fenigson



Mar 30

JUST IN: Two years delayed, Israel’s Ministry of Health admitted: the largest donor during Covid is Pfizer.

Pfizer donated 13 million shekels ($3.5m USD) to the Israeli Ministry of Health in 2022. In 2021 Pfizer donated 18 million shekels ($4.9m USD), and 8.6 million ($2.3m)…

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