UPDATE – So, You Did Not Take the COVID-19 Shot, Why Not?

First, thank you. Sincere and genuine thankfulness for your fellowship. Visitors to this site continue to prove that our nation is created by, and an assembly of, the most decent, honest, generous and kind-hearted people in the world. The responses to the question of ‘why didn’t you take the covid-19 shot?’ are nothing short of remarkable.’

If I had to pick a single phrase to encapsulate the myriad of phenomenal responses to the question I would use the phrase, “intellectual discernment”; which again provides buckets of faith that a large number of people are wide awake, albeit part of what I call a potato revolution growing safely underground.

Also, unbeknownst to front page readers I am stunned at the people in/around operation warp-speed, these are people in government directly attached to the issue, who have contacted CTH on the backside, stepped forward and said they also didn’t take the shot because, well, despite their belief in the purpose and principle at the time, things were just not adding up and ultimately seemed sketchy. They couldn’t talk (so they felt), couldn’t even hint at their concern; but when it came to making the personal decision, they waited.

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