Veteran OBGYN Calls on Lawyers to Represent Babies ‘Damaged’ by COVID-19 Jabs “I encourage Plaintiff’s attorneys to file civil litigation in these cases. I encourage obstetricians to stand up and speak the truth,” says Dr. James Thorp.


It’s worth noting that Pfizer Inc. safety data—only made available by order of a Texas federal judge—show the company and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) have been aware that the shot is linked to numerous negative pregnancy-related outcomes.
Dr. Thorp’s statement, posted on his X (formerly Twitter) account, contains a strong condemnation of health policies and alleged unethical agreements among healthcare organizations.
His claims that there is now “irrefutable evidence that hospitals signed secret, unethical, and likely illegal ‘cooperative agreements’ with HHS CDC in early 2021 to force physicians and employees to push the most deadly and injurious medications ever in the most vulnerable patients- pregnant women and preborns.”
Thorp warns that “your futures market in these lucrative ‘damaged baby cases’ is on the verge of SKYROCKETING.”
He criticizes the role of major health organizations, stating that The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and other groups have been influenced by significant sums of taxpayer money to endorse vaccine use in pregnancy.
The OBGYN highlights that the “Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Documents” show ACOG “accepted millions of dollars of US tax payer moneys to push its 60,000 ObGyn Constituents in two continents (US, Canada, and South America) to follow the lock-step narrative of the lethal HHS/CDC policies.”

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