We CAN Stop the WHO Pandemic TreatyPart III of Our Interview with Whistleblower

Dr. Meryl Nass.MERYL NASS

COVID-19 was our wakeup call.
Blatant tyranny on a massive scale, it showed us we must stand together and resist. But the real medical emergency never went away. And I am not talking about a virus from China.
No. I mean the WHO’s power grab in the form of a new Pandemic Treaty.
For the past few weeks, I’ve interviewed brave whistleblower Dr. Meryl Nass on this vital subject. Part I explained the threat. In Part II, she described how it will harm your life. In Part III, we discuss solutions.
Now for the good news.
The globalists have overstepped. They thought they could get away with tightening a legal noose around our necks before anyone would be the wiser.
They were wrong.
Despite these threats we needn’t fear the future. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.”

I see a better future dawning: one based on our potential to thrive—not just survive—as humans. The time is now to wake up to centralized technofascism, to ignite a movement toward freedom-minded tech.

Together, let’s reclaim our liberty, humanity’s birthright—the sweetest treasure we’ve ever known. Learn how by reading my new coauthored book: Neuromined: Triumphing over Technological Tyranny or visiting The Great Wakeup.

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