What do we do with the “enemy within?”

Truth Over Tyranny: Biblical wisdom for defeating the Technocrats.
These are my insights for defeating the Transhumanist Technocracy movement, based on the teachings of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory, on the weekly Bible portion.

In his commentary on Parashat Mishpatim called “Helping an Enemy,” Rabbi Jonathan Sacks offers counsel on how to deal with our enemies. We will see that his teachings are applicable to our war with the technocrats.

He starts out by defining “enemy” in a decent society:

“Among the many legal provisions of this week’s sedra is one stated briefly and unemphatically, yet it has far-reaching implications as well as subtlety and moral beauty:

‘If you see your enemy’s ass sagging under its burden, you shall not pass by. You shall surely release it with him.’Ex. 23:5

“The principle is simple. Your enemy is also a human being. Hostility may divide you, but there is something deeper that connects you: the covenant of human solidarity. Pain, distress, difficulty – these things transcend the language of difference. A decent society will be one in which enemies do not allow their rancour or animosity to prevent them to coming to one
another’s assistance when they need help. If someone is in trouble, help.

“Don’t stop to ask whether they are friend or foe. Get involved – as Moses got involved when he saw shepherds roughly handling the daughters of Jethro; as Abraham did when he prayed for the people of the cities of the plain…”

Rabbi Sacks illustrates the psychological burden of having an enemy:

“Exodus talks about enemies; Deuteronomy, about friends. On this the Talmud states:

‘If [the animal of] a friend requires unloading, and an enemy’s loading, you should first help your enemy – in order to suppress the evil inclination.’ Baba Metzia 32b

“Both equally need help. In the case of an enemy, however, there is more at stake than merely helping someone in distress. There is also the challenge of overcoming estrangement, distance, ill-feeling. Therefore, it takes precedence. The Sages were here reading a nuance in the text. The phrase, ‘you shall not pass by’ is apparently superfluous. What it signals is that when we see our enemy suffering, our first instinct is to pass by. Hence part of the logic of the command is ‘to suppress the evil inclination’.

“More remarkable are the Aramaic translations (Targum Onkelos, and more explicitly Targum Yonatan). They take the phrase ‘You shall surely release’ to mean not just the physical burden, but also the psychological burden:
‘You shall surely let go of the hate you have in your heart towards him.’”

Yet he also points out that the Torah takes a realistic approach to personal growth:

“A more general prohibition against hating enemies occurs in the very passage that commands the love of neighbours:

‘Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.’
Lev. 19:17-18

“On this, Maimonides writes:

‘You shall blot [any offences against you] out of your mind and not bear a grudge. For as long as one nurses a grievance and keeps it in mind, one may come to take vengeance. The Torah therefore emphatically warns us not to bear a grudge, so that the impression of the wrong should be completely obliterated and no longer remembered. This is the right principle. It alone makes civilized life and social interaction possible.’
Hilchot Deot 7:8

“In speaking about enemies, the Torah is realistic rather than utopian. It does not say: ‘Love your enemies’. Saints apart, we cannot love our enemies, and if we try to, we will eventually pay a high psychological price: we will eventually hate those who ought to be our friends. What the Torah says instead is: when your enemy is in trouble, come to his assistance. That way, part of the hatred will be dissipated. Who knows whether help given may not turn hostility to gratitude and from there to friendship. That surely is enough to refute the suggestion that Judaism contemplates, let alone advocates, hating enemies.”

And – of critical importance – it is noted that people who refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions, are not to be enabled:

“There is, however, a fascinating provision of the law. The text says, ‘You shall surely release it [the burden] with him’. From this the Sages deduced the following:

‘If [the owner of the animal] sits down and says to the passer-by: ‘The obligation is yours. If you wish to unload [the animal], do so’ the passer-by is exempt because it is said, ‘with him’ [meaning: they must share the work]. If however the owner [is unable to help because he] is old or infirm, then one must [unload the animal on one’s own].’ Mishnah,
Baba Metzia 32a

“Why should this be so? After all, the beast is still suffering under its burden. Why should the enemy’s refusal to help excuse you from the duty of help?

“A fundamental principle of biblical morality is involved here: reciprocity. We owe duties to those who recognise the concept of duty. We have a responsibility to those who acknowledge responsibility. If, however, the person concerned refuses to exercise his duty to his own overloaded animal, then we do not make things better by coming to his aid. On the contrary, we make it worse, by allowing him to escape responsibility. We become – in the language of addiction-therapy – co-dependents. We reinforce the very problem we are trying to help solve. We allow the individual to believe that there will always be someone else to do what is morally necessary. We create what the psychologist Martin Seligman calls ‘learned helplessness’. We may feel that we are being super-righteous; and we may be right. But we are thereby making ourselves better at the cost of making society worse. And biblical morality is not a code of personal perfection but of social grace.”

Ultimately, the Big Win is when our enemies come back to our side:

“Tanach, the Hebrew Bible, is not a code for Utopia. That is a prophetic dream, not a present-tense reality. In the here-and-now, however, the Torah tells us something not without its moral grandeur, namely that small gestures of mutual assistance can in the long run transform the human situation. At the heart of the law of the overladen ass is one of Judaism’s most beautiful axioms (Avot de-Rabbi Natan, 23): ‘Who is a hero? One who turns an enemy into a friend.’”

At first glance, these lessons do not seem to apply at all to our current adversaries. How are we supposed to make friends of the Communist Chinese, who seek to rule us?! How are we supposed to show social grace to the global elites who want to colonize our country, and exploit all our resources?! How can we not hold a grudge against all the “health” officials who mandated a dangerous drug, and called it a “vaccine?!”

Clearly, in times of war, enemies must be defeated. People who break laws – be they the Nuremberg Laws or the US Constitution – must be punished. And those who defy moral and ethical codes of conduct must be held accountable.

A good portion of these enemies are so stuck in their aggression, they will never allow themselves to be turned into friends. But I think there is also hope for many others. A lot of our current “enemies” were once our friends. They are family members, neighbors, colleagues. Members of our religious congregation. Professional colleagues. Employers. Employees. They have been turned against freedom-lovers by all the bribing, bullying and brainwashing of the dictator-wannabes.

Should we allow them to infringe on our freedom and liberty? Absolutely not. Should we protect our interests with all our might? Absolutely yes. But we should also keep our hearts and minds open to the possibility they will wake up instead of remaining woke. As Rabbi Sacks says, we should not hate them or hold a grudge. When the time is right, they may very well be ready for re-entrance into decent society. At that point, we can call them “friends” once again.

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