What does God think of the Technocrats?

Truth Over Tyranny: Biblical wisdom for defeating the Technocrats.
These are my insights for defeating the Transhumanist Technocracy movement, based on the teachings of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory, on the weekly Bible portion.

Perhaps the most audacious – and intimidating – aspect of the crusade by the Technocracy to rule the world, is their transhumanist agenda. They actually want to “merge man with machine,” and direct human evolution with biotechnology. This objective is seen in a number of actions they have taken in recent years (although these moves have been in development for decades: )

They launched their Transgender movement to delegitimize the belief that sex is biologically determined – or that biology matters at all.

They are conducting experiments designed to create “human beings” in labs, without the use of eggs and sperm. And without a womb.

They are infusing our medicine and food supply with DNA-altering mRNA gene therapy.

They are using AI in a variety of Psy-Ops to change people’s thinking into accepting totalitarian control.

They are manufacturing “smart” products that are integrated with bio markers to give us digital IDs, and monitor – and eventually regulate – our behavior everywhere we go.

Of course, the Transhumanist agenda is integral to the Technocrat crusade for global tyranny:

They are conducting Color Revolution insurrections in countries, to “reset” those economies under the control of global elites.

They are promoting a “Green agenda,” and associated ESG and CEI ideologies, to serve as the basis for global government.

When I look at this agenda in its entirety, it becomes less intimidating and more ridiculous. These people actually want to “replace” God. This can be seen clearly in the remarks of one of the “prophets” of the Technocracy, Yuval Noah Harari:

We don’t have to wait for Christ’s second coming to overcome death.  A lab can do it.
God is dead, it just takes a while to get rid of the body (nervous laughter).
I don’t think life has any meaning.
All God ever created was organic life.  He never created inorganic life.  We now go beyond the God of the Bible.  Divinity is not going far enough to describe what we are doing.

It is an interesting question to ask, what does God think of false prophets like Harari, and the pagan-like religion of Transhumanism that he and his fellow global elites follow? Rabbi Jonathan Sacks addresses the absurdity of people imagining themselves to be godlike in his commentary on Parashat Balak called “What Makes God Laugh.”

He starts out discussing the Tower of Babel:

“There is an old saying that what makes God laugh is seeing our plans for the future.[1] However, if Tanach is our guide, what makes God laugh is human delusions of grandeur. From the vantage point of heaven, the ultimate absurdity is when humans start thinking of themselves as godlike.

“There are several pointed examples in the Torah. One whose full import has only recently become clear occurs in the story of the Tower of Babel. Men gather together in the plain of Shinar and decide to build a city and a tower ‘that will reach to heaven.’ As it happens, we have archeological confirmation of this fact. Several Mesopotamian ziggurats, including the temple of Marduk in Babylon, have been found with inscriptions saying that they reach heaven.[2]

“The idea was that tall buildings – man-made mountains – allowed humans to climb to the dwelling place of the gods and thus communicate with them.”

The rulers who built these monuments thought they were a big deal. But to God, they were a nothing:

“The most conspicuous symbol of this was buildings on a monumental scale: the ziggurats of Babylon and other Mesopotamian cities, and the pyramids of Egypt. Built on the flat land of the Tigris-Euphrates valley and the Nile delta, they towered over their surroundings. The great pyramid of Giza, built even before the birth of Abraham, was so monumental that it remained the tallest man-made structure on earth for four thousand years.

“The fact that these were artificial mountains built by human hands suggested to their builders that humans had acquired godlike powers. They had constructed a stairway to heaven. Hence the significance of the phrase in the Torah’s account of the tower, ‘And the Lord came down to seethe city and the tower, which the children of man had built.’ This is God laughing. On earth, humans thought they had reached the sky, but to God the building was so infinitesimal, so microscopic that he had to come down even to see it. Only with the invention of flight do we now know how small the tallest building looks when you are looking down from a mere 30,000 feet.”

So He showed them the folly of their ways:

“To end their hubris God simply ‘confused their language”’ They no longer understood one another. The entire project was turned into French farce. We can visualise the scene. A foreman calls for a brick and is handed a hammer. He tells a worker to go right and he turns left. The project foundered in a welter of incomprehension. Men thought they could climb to heaven but in the end they could not even understand what the person next to them was saying. The unfinished tower became a symbol of the inevitable failure of vaunting ambition. The builders achieved what they sought but not in the way they intended. They wanted to ‘make a name for themselves’ and they succeeded, but instead of becoming a byword for man’s ability to reach the sky, Babel became babble, an emblem of confusion. Hubris became nemesis.”

Rabbi Sacks describes how God also put the Egyptians in their place:

“The second example was Egypt during the early plagues. Moses and Aaron turned the water of the Nile into blood, and filled Egypt with frogs. We then read that the Egyptian magicians did likewise to show that they had the same power. So concerned were they to show that they could do what the Hebrews could do, that they entirely failed to realise that they were making things worse, not better. The real skill would have been to turn blood back into water, and make frogs not appear but disappear.

“We hear the Divine laughter especially in the third plague: lice. For the first time, the magicians tried and failed to replicate the effect. Defeated, they turned to Pharaoh and said, ‘It is the finger of God.’ The humour comes when we remember that for the Egyptians the symbol of power was monumental architecture: pyramids, temples, palaces and statues on a massive scale. God showed them His power by way of the tiniest of insects, painful yet almost invisible to the eye. Again hubris became nemesis. When people think they are big, God shows them they are small – and vice versa. It is those who think themselves small – supremely so Moses, the humblest of men – who are truly great.”

Yet another example is when God humbles the pagan prophet Bilam:

“This explains the otherwise curious episode of Bilam’s talking donkey. This is not a fanciful tale, nor simply a miracle. It arose because of the way the people of Moab and Midian thought of Bilam – and perhaps, by extension, the way he thought of himself. Balak the Moabite king, together with the leaders of the Midianites, sent a delegation to Bilam asking him to curse the Israelites: ‘Come now, curse this people for me, since they are too mighty for me … for I know that whom you bless is blessed, and whom you curse is cursed.’

“This is a pagan understanding of the holy man: the shaman, the magus, the wonder-worker, the person with access to supernatural powers. The Torah’s view is precisely the opposite. It is God who blesses and curses, not human beings. ‘I will bless those who bless you and those who curse you I will curse,’ God said to Abraham. ‘They shall place my name on the children of Israel and I will bless them,’ he said about the priests. The idea that you can hire a holy man to curse someone essentially presupposes that God can be bribed.”

“…But the story of the talking donkey is another instance of Divine laughter. Here was a man reputed to be a maestro of supernatural forces. People thought he had the power to bless or curse whomever he chose. God, the Torah tells us, is not like that at all. He had two messages, one for the Moabites and Midianites, another for Bilam himself.

“God had a different message for Bilam himself, and it was very blunt. If you think you can control God, then, says God, I will show you that I can turn a donkey into a prophet and a prophet into a donkey. Your animal will see angels to which you yourself are blind. Bilam was forced to admit:
‘How can I curse those whom God has not cursed?’
‘How can I denounce those whom the Lord has not denounced?'”

The moral of the story is this: hubris self-destructs. People who play god diminish. People who serve God persevere:

“Hubris always eventually becomes nemesis. In a world in which rulers engaged in endless projects of self-aggrandisement, Israel alone produced a literature in which they attributed their successes to God and their failures to themselves. Far from making them weak, this made them extraordinarily strong.

“So it is with us as individuals. I have mentioned before a beloved friend, no longer alive, about whom it was said that ‘he took God so seriously that he didn’t need to take himself seriously at all.’ Pagan prophets like Bilam had not yet learned the lesson we must all one day learn: that what matters is not that God does what we want, but that we do what He wants. God laughs at those who think they have godlike powers. The opposite is true. The smaller we see ourselves, the greater we become.”

I will add this: Transhumanism will eventually go the way of every other pagan religion. Even as we speak, God is laying bare its falsehoods. It is up to us to join Him in that effort.

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