What does Haiti have to do with the New World Order?

Criminals and violent gangsters now reportedly control 80% of Haiti’s capital of Port-Au-Prince.
The situation in Haiti is now so bad that the U.S. evacuated its embassy staff. There are even reports of people turning to cannibalism – gangsters are enslaving people, murdering people, roasting them and eating them on the street.
Why should you care? Because this is the end result of Globalist (Communist) policies put in place by the elite grifters and banksters who run the world. These are the inconvenient truths that the tree huggers and bleeding hearts forget to mention or teach you in school.
In fact, slavery and cannibalism still goes on in modern-day Africa, in places like Libya, and other 3rd world countries – where, after the Hillary & Globalist-engineered fall of Gaddafi, the Horn of Africa opened up, illegals flooded Europe and gangsters took over Libya and now enslave, sell and roast their brothers and sisters for dinner – all thanks to the policies of the New World Order…

The Biden administration wants to deploy a Multinational Security Support force, or MSS, that has been in the works for over a year and a half. The Biden administration has been pushing Henry to resign because he’s not doing as he’s told.
“Haiti’s National Police has only 9,000 officers to provide security for more than 11 million people, according to the U.N. They are routinely overwhelmed and outgunned by gangs, which are estimated to control up to 80% of Port-au-Prince.”
Ah – so that is the real motivation behind letting criminals out of prison and defunding the police. To justify a One World Order Army!…

Sadly, people are surprised by what’s going on in Haiti, don’t think it could happen here, and don’t remember that under Stalin, Mao & Communism that TENS OF MILLIONS of people were deliberately, cold-bloodedly murdered by forced famines.

Why do you think they are making food unaffordable, seizing farms, selling farmland to the CCP, pushing bugs and burning down food factories in America! Forced famine!
In fact, it was not uncommon during the forced famines of Stalin and Mao for parents to cook and eat their own children. Stalin & Mao both decided to “collectivize” farming, seized all land, expelled landowners and left people with nothing to eat—except, sometimes, themselves. In the face of starvation families often kill their weakest members, usually children, and use the meat for eating. Starving people ate their friends, relatives, and even their own children. ..

The history of the Clintons involvement in Haiti started in 1975 when they took their honeymoon there. President Bill Clinton, in October of 1993, ordered warships into Haitian waters to enforce a U.N. trade embargo to pave the way for the return to power of Marxist leader, Jean Bertrand Aristide. ..

The American government, under Clinton, supported the U.N. embargo cutting off Haiti’s lifeline of food and medicine.
Bill Clinton’s agricultural policies in Haiti destroyed the country’s rice industry and the Aristide-Clinton connection was a pathway for hard drugs and cocaine to enter the U.S. with the support of drug kingpin Pablo Escobar. Some estimates were that over $20 million a month was trafficked through Haiti while the Clinton Government turned a blind eye and exported death to American youth.
The pillage of Haiti was further underway after the 2010 earthquake, with over 300,000 people dead and 2 million people left homeless. The Clinton “Con Game” began through the I.H.R.C, Interim Haiti Recovery Commission. Using her position as Secretary of State, Hillary and the Clinton Foundation led the fund-raising efforts for relief in Haiti.
Bill Clinton had long been perceived as the ‘shadow governor of Haiti,’ and the Clintons were the power brokers in the Haiti relief effort. If you wanted to do business in Haiti, you needed to have a relationship with The Clintons.
The hidden truth is that Haiti has a wealth of hidden resources such as gold and oil and iridium. The VCS Mining Company received a gold permit and after the permit was issued, VCS put Hillary’s brother, Tony Rodham in charge.
The global communications provider, Digicel, run by Clinton Foundation contributor made millions in revenues. Caracol Industrial Park, a $300 million investment that the Clinton State Department claimed would produce 65,000 jobs, never met that goal and the anchor tenant was a Korean manufacturer and Clinton Foundation supporter. The list of corporate donors involved in the Clinton scheme in Haiti runs deep.
It is estimated that the IHRC collected over $5.3 billion over two years and $9.9 billion in three years. The failed agricultural policies under Clinton made sure Haiti, a country that produced its own rice, would be reliant on US food.
Foreign aid is continuously pumped into Haiti, and no plan is made to bolster the country’s own capacity to rebuild and produce. Haiti is still run on which business finds favor with the US, and while the Clintons were in charge of the US, they presided over all these failed policies.
Mike Benz says that the CIA-FBI murdered the former President of Haiti. So does Bukele, the current President of El Salvador…

MIKE BENZ: Hurricane Hillary has returned to Haiti…
Mind you this is happening one year after a team of FBI informants, plus DEA, CIA & DOD-linked mercenaries all marched into the home of Haiti’s President and shot him dead. The assassinated-by-FBI-informants President of Haiti had been trying to clean up the drug trade, the same thing the current President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, is doing.
BUKELE: Funny that the DOD, State Department & CIA don’t seem to like leaders cleaning up the drug trade. The CIA funds its coups with money from the drug trade…

Especially when there are hard-to-explain US military occupations directly over the area where the drugs are being trafficked out of. Amazingly, the drug trade that Haiti’s President seems to have been assassinated by CIA-linked mercenaries for trying to shut down was originally set up by the CIA itself. Kind of an amazing coincidence there.
And wow, coincidence of all coincidences, the new President after the CIA-linked assassination of the last one was a lab-grown incubated political leader from a CIA/NED front group. Anyway, this is why DOD, CIA, State & DHS all dug in to stop Trump from building a border wall. We lose the cartels, we lose Latin America….

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