Who should we hate?

Truth Over Tyranny: Biblical wisdom for defeating the Technocrats.
These are my insights for defeating the Transhumanist Technocracy movement, based on the teachings of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory, on the weekly Bible portion.

Do you hate the Technocrats? I certainly do. How can we not hate people who are committing evil atrocities against us, including:

Killing and injuring millions of people with poisonous mRNA gene therapy;

Ruining countless lives, careers, and businesses with illegal mandates and lockdowns;

And permanently damaging the bodies and minds of children with destructive transgender ideology and medical practices.

And the list goes on, of all the various related meaures to reduce the world’s population to a “managable” number, and enslave those survivors with Tranhumanist biotechnology. What makes matters worse, is the utter contempt the global elites have for the “little man:”

They value human life only as far as it serves their purpose. Then it is expendable.

They think they are entitled to own everything, and we are entitled to own nothing.

And they think they are better than us, to the point where they believe that the human species should be genetically molded in their image.

Let’s face it: they hate us. So there should be nothing wrong with us hating them back, right?

I think that hate can tricky. It’s a very strong emotion, and if you don’t control it, it will control you. Therein lies the challenge: the Technocrats are driven by hate. If we are also driven by hate, how do we avoid becoming as tyrannical as they are, when we defeat them?

This is a delimma that needs some very sage advice. Fortunately we have that, in the commentary by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on Parashat Ki Teitse called “Against Hate.”

Rabbi Sacks points out that the Torah has specific commands against hate:

“Ki Teitse contains more laws than any other parsha in the Torah, and it is possible to be overwhelmed by this embarrass de richesse of detail. One verse, however, stands out by its sheer counter-intuitiveness:

“‘Do not despise an Edomite, because he is your brother. Do not despise the Egyptian, because you were a stranger in his land.'” Deut. 23:8

The command to not hate the Egyptians is surprising, considering that they made the Hebrews slaves. But, not everything they did was evil:

“’Do not despise the Egyptian, because you were a stranger in his land.’ This is extraordinary. The Egyptians enslaved the Israelites, planned a programme against them of slow genocide, and then refused to let them go despite the plagues that were devastating the land. Are these reasons not to hate?

“True. But the Egyptians had initially provided a refuge for the Israelites at a time of famine. They had honoured Joseph when he was elevated as second-in-command to Pharaoh. The evils they committed against the Hebrews  under ‘a new King who did not know of Joseph’ (Ex. 1:8) were at the instigation of Pharaoh himself, not the people as a whole. Besides which, it was the daughter of that same Pharaoh who had rescued Moses and adopted him.”

As a matter of fact, the Egyptians could very well be destined to suffer the same fate as the people they had enslaved!

“In a later age, Isaiah would make a remarkable prophecy – that a day would come when the Egyptians would suffer their own oppression. They would cry out to God, who would rescue them just as He had rescued the Israelites:

“‘When they cry out to the Lord because of their oppressors, He will send them a saviour and defender, and He will rescue them. So the Lord will make Himself known to the Egyptians, and in that day they will acknowledge the Lord.'” Isaiah 19:20-21

The essential lesson in not hating the Egyptians, is to retain your freedom – in your heart:

“The wisdom of Moses’ command not to despise Egyptians still shines through today. If the people had continued to hate their erstwhile oppressors, Moses would have taken the Israelites out of Egypt but would have failed to take Egypt out of the Israelites. They would have continued to be slaves, not physically but psychologically. They would be slaves to the past, held captive by the chains of resentment, unable to build the future. To be free, you have to let go of hate. That is a difficult truth but a necessary one.”

The lesson about not hating Edom is more personal — the people who hate you, and whom you are tempted to hate, could be family:

“’Do not despise an Edomite, because he is your brother..’ Edom was, of course, the other name of Esau. There was a time when Esau hated Jacob and vowed to kill him. Besides which, before the twins were born, Rebecca received an oracle telling her, ‘Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the elder will serve the younger.’ (Gen. 25:23) Whatever these words mean, they seem to imply that there will be eternal conflict between the two brothers and their descendants…

“Esau may hate Jacob, but it does not follow that Jacob should hate Esau. To answer hate with hate is to be dragged down to the level of your opponent. When, in the course of a television programme, I asked Judea Pearl, father of the murdered journalist Daniel Pearl, why he was working for reconciliation between Jews and Muslims, he replied with heartbreaking lucidity, ‘Hate killed my son. Therefore I am determined to fight hate.’ As Martin Luther King Jr, wrote, ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.’ Or as Kohelet said, there is ‘a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace’ (Eccl. 3:8).

“It was none other than Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai who said that when Esau met Jacob for the last time, he kissed and embraced him ‘with a full heart..’ Hate, especially between family, is not eternal and inexorable. Always be ready, Moses seems to have implied, for reconciliation between enemies.”

In summary, Rabbi Sacks distinguishes between the sin and the sinner:

“Hate the sin but not the sinner. Do not forget the past but do not be held captive by it. Be willing to fight your enemies but never allow yourself to be defined by them or become like them. Learn to love and forgive. Acknowledge the evil men do, but stay focused on the good that is in our power to do. Only thus do we raise the moral sights of humankind and help redeem the world we share.”

I would add this:

For me, there is not doubt that some people are rotten to the core. They not only do evil — they are evil. They are the masterminds and instigators of the “New World Order” and “Great Reset.” We should punish them to the fullest extent of the law, and let God worry about their redemption.

But there are so many other people in the Technocracy that are not hard core Transhumanists. They were once among us, but got drawn to the dark side through some combination of brainwashing, bullying, and blackmail. Driven mainly by fear – for their health, their families, their jobs, their careers, their reputations – they went along, to get along.

And in the process, they committed horrible sins:

Doctors gave patients “vaccines” they knew would harm them.
Teachers taught hateful and divisive doctrines.
Bureaucrats enforced illegal and unconstitutional rulings.

And the list goes on, of their participation in the various related meaures to reduce the world’s population to a “manageable” number, and enslave those survivors with Tranhumanist biotechnology.

But I do not believe that most of them share the utter contempt the global elites have for the “little man.” They are themselves still “little men and women” who have let themselves be used by the Technocrats to carry out the evil Transhumanist agenda.

They are, in a way, still our “family” – our doctors, our teachers, our local clerks. And they might just cry out for freedom, just as the Egyptins might do some day, as the prophet says.

Those of us who are defending freedom, should heed their call.

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