Why Are COVID Patients Treated With an HIV Pill?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  Fact Checked August 05, 2022


July 25, 2022, Chinese officials granted conditional approval to Azvudine, an HIV drug, to
be used as a COVID treatment

Use of the HIV drug has reignited interest in early evidence suggesting SARS-CoV-2 is a
bioweapon augmented with parts of the HIV virus

In late January 2020, Indian researchers published a paper claiming segments of the viral
RNA appeared more closely related to HIV than other coronaviruses. The researchers
even said SARS-CoV-2 responded to HIV medications

The Indian paper was quickly retracted, but not before catching the attention of the late
Luc Montagnier, a world-renowned virologist who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of
HIV. Montagnier insisted the Indian researchers were correct in their assessment, and
had been forced to retract the paper “after enormous pressure”

Several scenarios are now converging to create the suspicion that getting an HIV vaccine
to market may be a goal behind COVID. The COVID jab is causing AIDS-like
immunodepression, which helps create the perception that we have an urgent need for an
HIV vaccine

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