Why Fauci and the global cabal insist your children be injected for ‘protection’ against a disease that poses no threat to their health

It should be obvious by now that the virus led to the need for a “vaccine” and the “vaccine” led to the idea of digital health passports, which contain a scannable QR Code on a cellphone app.

Getting people to accept the digital passports is the key to the globalists’ plan to digitize all of human life by gradually adding more personally identifiable information to the app along with your banking and financial-transaction data.

They have to get this ready for people to accept the new digital money system based on blockchain technology. More than 65 central banks worldwide are in various stages of preparing to launch new digital currencies as a replacement for cash.

The injections have been sold as just an ordinary “vaccine” which just happen to require continuous “booster shots” to remain effective. That’s a deception. In fact, the shots represent mankind’s initial foray into universal gene editing that will offer endless opportunities for later edits through the continuous boosters.

So you see where they are going with this whole health-passport scam. It has nothing to do with your health. Your physical, digital and financial life will all be tied together into one nifty little digital identification card, scannable with a QR code on your cellphone. Is it a coincidence that starting in 2022, all of the older cellphones, flip-phones and “burner phones” will be phased out, no longer serviceable by your cell-service provider?

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