Yale Just Proved COVID Vaccine Injury Exists and Spike Production Persists for Years Inside The Body

A Midwestern Doctor

Reviewing the consequences of the reckless steps used to make the vaccines and the immunological damage which followed

Since I did not want to interfere with the publication process, I held off from disclosing anything within the study which had not already been leaked by someone else. Today the study was pre-published, so I can now discuss what they found (in a heavily revised version of the previous article). The first half of this article provides the context for that study, while the second half discusses it (e.g., that the vaccine spike protein can persist in the body for at least 709 days and cause at least two years of chronic immunological suppression and autoimmunity that directly correlate to the presence of chronic illnesses).
Note: as this study was conducted by a team of immunologists, they primarily focused on immunologic changes (and as a result many of the other chronic consequences of vaccination were not discussed). Additionally, it should be noted that they originally strongly endorsed the vaccination (both to prevent COVID and to treat long COVID—which is often disastrous) and came from a very pro-vaccine institution. As such, the fact they were willing to change their stance on this should be acknowledged (and indicates a lot of work went into verifying the accuracy of their data).

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