You are 25X more likely to be injured and 20X more likely to die if you get the COVID shotWhen you combine this result with negative vaccine efficacy, the COVID shots are completely nonsensical. Nobody should take them. We couldn’t find a single supportive anecdote!

I validated that Wayne’s numbers weren’t just a fluke with surveys of my reader base. Over 600 readers responded and the numbers were very similar: 21 injuries and 5 deaths per 100 vaccinated, which is very close to the numbers reported by Wayne (assuming he had an even mix of vaxxed/unvaxxed guests).

An article on The Expose just claimed that 1 in every 246 Vaccinated People has died within 60 days of Covid-19 Vaccination in England according to the UK Governmentwhich is a factor of 5 lower than my hypothesis, but that’s just limited to the first 60 days after a single dose.

And then I went even further looking for anecdotal evidence that Wayne was wrong. I asked my 50,000 followers on Gab for opposite anecdotes. None of the 372 people had an anecdote supporting use of the vaccine. Stunning.

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